You have questions. We have answers.

Providers and Therapy Sessions

  • In case of emergency, you should go to the Emergency Department of the nearest hospital or call 911. You can also call the Gerstein Crisis Centre at 416-929-5200. They have crisis workers available to speak to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

  • Psychologists in Ontario typically have earned a Doctorate in Psychology (PhD). Psychologists are able to formulate and communicate mental health diagnoses and provide evidence-based treatment in the form of talk therapy. They are regulated by the College of Psychologists of Ontario.

    Psychiatrists are physicians who completed medical school and a residency in Psychiatry. Similar to psychologists, psychiatrists also diagnose and treat mental health difficulties; however, most often treatment is through prescribing and managing medications. They are regulated by the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

    Social workers are regulated health professionals who work with individuals, families, groups and/or communities to improve individual and collective well-being. Social workers collaborate with their clients to address challenges through a process of assessment, diagnosis, treatment and evaluation. They are regulated by the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers.

    Registered Psychotherapists (RPs) come from various backgrounds of education and experience including sociology, psychology, education, spirituality, counselling, psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. RPs are competent to use psychotherapy approaches from a variety of therapeutic modalities, depending on their individual background and experience. They are regulated by the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario.

    The Ontario Psychological Association (OPA) provides a helpful Profession Comparison Chart for further details.

  • We often get asked, “I don’t feel bad enough, is therapy right for me?”

    We’d like for you to know that you don’t need to wait until things are “bad enough” or you’re in crisis to benefit from therapy. Therapy can help you to maintain your good mental and emotional health, not just help you to recover it once it’s declined. Therapy is a form of self-care, and meeting with a trained therapist can support your mental, emotional, and relational well-being. There’s always something to discover about ourselves, and a therapist can meet you wherever you are on your journey of self-discovery.

  • During the first session, which is usually 90 minutes, we will begin by reviewing policies around topics such as confidentiality and clinic procedures. Then we will begin to discuss the issues that have brought you to therapy. We will listen and ask questions to gain a preliminary understanding of your concerns. If possible, by the end of the first session we will have generated a list of goals that you have for yourself – things that you would like to achieve through therapy that we can work toward together. The goal of this session is to assess your symptoms and formulate an appropriate treatment plan.

  • The answer depends mostly on the challenges that you want to address in therapy. Typically to begin it is helpful to meet on a weekly or biweekly basis to address the issues and symptoms that are most distressing. For other clients, meeting less often suits their needs. The frequency of sessions is something that will be discussed with you on an individual basis after consideration of your particular circumstances. Should more or less intensive treatment be required, the session length and frequency may be adjusted. Treatment progress is regularly reviewed to ensure that your goals are being met.

    As treatment progresses, these sessions may be spaced out to allow you more time to practice the skills you have learned in the session.

    You always have complete control over the therapy process and have the right to discontinue treatment at any time.

  • Each session, after the first, is typically 50 minutes in length and will include tools and/or solutions to work on that can be adapted outside of your appointments in your regular life. While it is important for us to learn new strategies together, it will be even more significant to apply parts of your goals and treatment plan in your everyday life.

  • Evidence-based treatment (EBT) refers to treatment that is supported by scientific evidence. That is, studies have been conducted and extensive research has been documented on a particular treatment, and it has proven to be successful.

    It is important to note that evidence-based treatment doesn’t follow a rigid step-by-step, “one size fits all” approach. Instead, at HART Centre for Psychology we integrate the best available research with our clinical expertise in the context of your culture and background, individual characteristics and personal preferences.

  • When it comes to psychological treatment, we embrace a trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) perspective, incorporating Prolonged Exposure (PE) and/or elements of Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT). The use of PE and CPT is highly recommended by authoritative bodies such as the American Psychological Association, the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, and the National Center for PTSD.

  • Trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy (TF-CBT) focuses on the cognitive and emotional processing of traumatic events. The therapy involves several components, including psychoeducation, relaxation techniques, cognitive restructuring, exposure therapy, and the development of coping skills. The therapy aims to help you understand your trauma-related symptoms, develop coping skills, and change negative beliefs about yourself, others, and the world. Exposure therapy involves gradually exposing the client to the traumatic memory or reminders of the trauma in a safe and controlled environment.

  • Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is a form of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) that focuses on helping you process and reframe your thoughts about traumatic experiences. Typically, CPT consists of 12 sessions, during which you learn to recognize and modify your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions related to the traumatic event or events, ultimately promoting recovery.


Virtual Care

  • Yes – the research suggests that clients obtain similar outcomes with virtual care, and can still establish and maintain a positive therapeutic relationship.

  • We use a software program called Jane which securely and easily allows for appointment to be booked, appointment reminders to be set, billing to be completed and video conferencing – making it secure, effective and convenient for all of your needs.

  • The internet is constantly evolving and changing in terms of online security and threats to such security. Despite best efforts to ensure high encryption and secure technology, there is always a risk that the transmission can be breached and accessed by unauthorized persons. To mitigate this risk, we use a software program called Jane, with secure end-to-end encryption. Jane is compliant with Ontario’s Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) as well as Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Further, Jane does not store or record any online sessions (unless it is requested by the client). To ensure greater privacy we encourage you, the client, to use an electronic device that you know and trust, use a secure internet connection (rather than free/public WI-FI), be in a private, distraction free setting, and use headphones.

  • If you are using video therapy, it is important to use a secure, reliable internet connection and a device with webcam abilities. You can use a laptop, desktop, tablet or smartphone. If using a laptop or desktop, it is recommended to use the latest version of Chrome. If using a tablet or smartphone, you will have to download the Jane app for free. We also recommend headphones for additional privacy. Please click here for additional information on using Jane on your device.

  • Absolutely. You can choose in person and/or virtual/telephone sessions at your convenience.

  • Unfortunately, according to the regulations of the College of Psychologists of Ontario, clients need to be located in the same province that the clinician is registered in.


Payment and Billing

  • Assessment and therapy services are not covered by OHIP. However, most extended health care plans often cover a portion of the cost of services. We recommend that you check your benefits to see what services you are covered for, and how much coverage you are allowed prior to booking an appointment. Your individual insurance provider will be able to verify details regarding the professional designation (Registered Psychotherapist, Registered Social Worker, Clinical Psychologist, etc.), and amount of coverage you have per calendar year. Payment is required at the time of your appointment. You will receive an invoice following your appointment, which you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

  • We do not directly bill insurance. Once you pay for a session, a copy of the receipt is provided for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

  • Payment is required at the time of your appointment. You will receive an invoice directly after your appointment, which you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Through our scheduling and billing system (Jane), you can upload your credit card or debit credit card for convenient payment. If you prefer, you can also make payments by e-transfer; however, a valid credit card is still required on file in case of late cancelled or missed appointments. Once your payment method is entered, it will remain in our system so that we can process payments accordingly.

  • The cost per 50-minute therapy session with Dr. Hartman is $250.00 per hour and with Ms. Navneet Mann is $200.00 per hour.

    Please call or email to inquire about costs for a comprehensive psychological assessment (assessment costs will vary depending on the nature, complexity, and needs of the individual).

    Please note that there may be additional costs associated with requests for documentation/letters for employers, etc. You are encouraged to refer to your policy or contact your insurer to determine the nature and extent of your coverage. We cannot assume responsibility if your claim is rejected by your benefits provider.

    If you have only minimal coverage, keep in mind that even short-term therapy can be of great benefit in helping you to find new ways of managing your problems to improve your quality of life.

  • We require 24 business hours’ notice for any cancellations or changes to your appointment. For instance, if you have an appointment Monday at 10am, you need to cancel no later than Friday at 10am to avoid a late cancellation fee. Clients who provide less than 24 hours’ business notice, or miss their appointment, will be charged 50% of the full session rate the first time, subsequent times will be at the full session rate. Please note that most insurance companies (including private insurance, WSIB and Mediavie Blue Cross) will not reimburse you for an appointment that is missed or late cancelled. For all clients we require a valid credit card be placed on file in case of missed or late cancelled appointments.
